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Nextbitt Platform Calculates Organizations' Global Carbon Footprint with Artificial Intelligence


The carbon footprint has become one of the main sustainability indicators for organizations seeking to reduce their environmental impact. Nextbitt is innovating by offering an automated and accurate solution for calculating the Scope 3 carbon footprint of organizations, one of the most challenging areas in environmental accounting, using artificial intelligence. This new solution is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses advanced technologies to automatically read documents and invoices, allowing companies to accurately and efficiently calculate their indirect emissions.

Scope 3 refers to the carbon emissions that result from an organization's indirect activities, i.e. those that occur in its value chain but are not directly controlled by it. This includes, for example, emissions associated with the production of purchased goods and services, transportation, waste, among others. Unlike Scope 1 (direct emissions) and Scope 2 (emissions from purchased energy), Scope 3 is the most comprehensive, as it involves the entire supply chain and use of a company's products.

Calculating Scope 3 has been a challenge for many companies, due to the difficulty in collecting reliable and comprehensive data throughout the supply chain. A joint study between Capgemini Invent and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), the organization that manages the global environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions, reveals that only 16% of companies reporting emissions are able to fully track their Scope 3 emissions. The lack of visibility into suppliers' operations and the complexity of data collection make this process time-consuming and prone to error. In addition, each sector has significant variability in the emissions associated with its value chains, which increases the difficulty of standardizing the calculation.

To overcome these barriers, Nextbitt has developed a solution based on Artificial Intelligence that automates the Scope 3 calculation process. By automatically reading documents and invoices from suppliers and service providers, the platform accurately extracts the data needed to calculate the emissions associated with each supplier. This solution allows companies to save time and ensure greater accuracy in accounting for their emissions, thus responding to regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations in terms of sustainability.

In addition, for the calculation of Scopes 1 and 2, Nextbitt integrates the data collected directly from the organizations' hardware into its software, using IoT (Internet of Things) technology. In this way, the consumption of energy, gas and other resources is monitored in real time, allowing the automatic and continuous calculation of direct emissions and purchased energy.

With this feature of the Nextbitt platform, organizations have at their disposal a robust and efficient tool for managing their carbon footprint in an integral way. The ability to automate the calculation of the three Scopes puts Nextbitt at the forefront of technological solutions for corporate sustainability.

Want to know how Nextbitt can help your company calculate carbon emissions efficiently? Contact us for a personalized demonstration and find out how to make your organization more sustainable and responsible.




Sílvia Sousa

Product & Brand Manager, Nextbitt

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