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The Environmental Management System in the future of business


Under legislation published in the European Community, organizations are now obliged to publish a sustainability report with "non-financial" evidence. It is in this sense that the implementation of the Environmental Management System (EnvMS) can become fundamental for the future of business.

Sustainability is no longer an innovative concept for organizations in today's business ecosystem. They increasingly understand the importance of implementing sustainable policies, as we are living in a critical period in terms of the environment and it can also be beneficial for the organization itself, allowing it to be positively positioned with consumers, who want to review its philosophy and principles.

On the other hand, under legislation published in the European Community, organizations are now obliged to publish a sustainability report with "non-financial" evidence. It is in this sense that the implementation of the Environmental Management System (EnvMS) can become fundamental for the future of business.

But what is an Environmental Management System?

According to standard 14001, the Environmental Management System is included in an organization's overall management system, which aims to control the environment through a structured and planned approach in all its aspects (air, water, energy, etc.), involving the entire structure of the organization and all those who are influenced by the organization's activities, equipment, products and processes that cause or may cause environmental damage, implementing a proactive process of continuous improvement.

This process is dynamic as it is subject to periodic evaluation, where objectives are analyzed and targets set for compliance with the corrective measures implemented. This management effort should result in continuous improvement of the organization's performance in environmental matters.

When we implement the Environmental Management System in an organization, the objectives and targets must be consistent with its environmental policy, including commitments relating to pollution prevention, compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes. To establish and review its objectives and targets, the organization must take into account the significant environmental aspects, the available technologies, its financial, operational and business requirements, as well as the opinion of external and internal stakeholders.

Subsequently, the organization must establish, implement and maintain programs aimed at achieving the objectives - the Environmental Management Program (EMP). The programs must include the identification of responsibilities for each of the objectives and targets, the relevant levels and functions of the organization, as well as the means and deadlines for achieving them. The organization may also establish a procedure to monitor the implementation of the EMP and carry out its periodic review and/or amendment in accordance with the pre-established requirements of the environmental policy and taking into account the significant environmental aspects of the activities, products and services.

Implementing the EMS in an organization can therefore help to reduce risks and problems:

  • Increased costs for environmental reasons;
  • Non-compliance with environmental legislation;
  • Barriers to exports imposed by countries with higher demands, due to non-compliance with environmental objectives;
  • The growing preference for goods and services produced by companies that behave correctly in environmental terms.

In short, the EMS allows organizations to develop an environmental policy, providing better business performance. In addition, the Environmental Management System helps to cut costs, reduce consumption of water, electricity, etc. It also helps the company to position itself in the market in a competitive and strategic way, offering the consumer an alternative that is concerned about environmental issues and the impacts that the business can have on the environment.

In this sense, it is important that the company is committed at all operational levels, especially top management, so that the implementation of the EMS can be a success and allow the organization to develop in a conscious and healthy way for society.

Source: SmartPlanet

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